We run all our surgeries by an appointment only system
We are open 8.00am – 6.30 pm Monday to Friday
The practice offers extended surgery hours in the evenings (Monday to Thursday until 20.00 hrs)
The opening hours for our branch surgery Ashburton Medical Practice are 8.30am – 12.00 noon
Making an appointment
To make an appointment please contact the practice to do so
Appointments can be booked by calling the surgery on the day or up to 2 weeks in advance
We are triaging all calls and offering F2F appointments, telephone appointments and virtual appointments
If you have a non-urgent request/query, then why not try out our new triage service here this will help keep our phone lines more accessible for urgent queries
We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice but if they are not available, we may ask you to see another doctor
Extended hours
Extended hours services are available
The practice offers extended surgery hours in the evenings (Monday to Thursday until 20.00 hrs)
Home visits
If you are too ill to come to the surgery and you require a home visit, please call the surgery before 10am. Home visits take up much more of a doctor’s time than a consultation in the surgery, so if you are mobile, please come into the surgery to be seen
When a home visit is requested, you will be contacted by one of the Doctors by telephone to assess your needs